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Новый трейлер к следующий арке "Chikara" (Сила).
Просмотров: 4086 | Добавил: Kasume-sama | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 5
5 BlughheDDer  
When i first saw this in 8th grade around Halloween, i thought it was kind of scary, while using aunts poisoning innocent dead men inside their basement. However whenever it on TCM, it's actually pretty hilarious. I've read in most articles that Cary Grant actually hated this movie, which is disappointing since i think it's certainly one of his best earlier films. Raymond Massey is terrifying, as Cary Grant's long lost brother. A must-see for anyone!! Great documentary, the subtitles are really easy to fallow and understand, and a few of the (cast) can and do speak english in most parts. This documentary really does tell the truth of what it's enjoy being in a war. The lads are all there for dfferent reasons they may not be americans so their look at this war along with other things are various and shed a brand new light i assume you could say, this isnt about patriotism it is about the adventures (to some) of war. This monster movie is an additional classic which i remember from my childhood. This monster is interesting as it kept growing in size due to the Earh's atmosphere and fed off sulphur (did I spell that element right?). The storyplot works and yes it was awesome! Give it a look! Once you discover the name then you need to expect mindless boys walking in their tighty whities. This is a great movie by standard. A visceral compelling plot, a war of iron wills, and also a setting that perfectly frames and focuses encounter. Casting, acting, and character development are consistently first class -- truly remarkable for that key characters. Personally, i appreciated deficiency of bungee-cord acrobatics and hydraulic blood-spurting. Instead, it depicts a lot more gripping and gruesome reality of mortal hand-to-hand combat. If you want a few explosions to hold you going, you won't be disappointed and, remarkably, you will find a thread of comic relief that weaves interior and exterior the action and keeps it from getting over weight. The first 5 minutes are a challenge to adhere to. Fast subtitles and faces that are hard to fix in dim light. There after, the plot and action build so quick you couldn't maintain even if was all in English. No worries. You'll want to watch it again immediately, and everything drops perfectly into position on the second pass. I'm going to be looking to get this part of my permanent collection once its available. From the outside it looks fairly pedestrian and formulaic, however, this movie is actually pretty darn good. Well-crafted and worth an appearance.

4 Foclotov  
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3 wophyUpsess  
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2 Vladislav5012  
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1 mizmoidly  
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